Thursday, September 4, 2008

self study

In my plan, i should have wrote the self study every night. Actually, i wanted to wrote my self study yesterday but something wrong in my computer. So i can not to wrote anything in my blog. So i just finish my task which is not finsihed yesterday.
I read chapter 2 of my accounting book in the yesterday afternoon. In fact this book is very suitable to me. It explain basic knowldge very clearly. The chapter 2 give strong explain to ''A systematic approach to financial reporting: the accounting equation.'' It is important to understand how to make the balance sheet.And then the book give the definite to asset. It is a part of blance sheet.

Monday, September 1, 2008

self study

I borrowed the new book which named '' Financial Accounting: An Introduction''. I found this book explain the basc knowledgae about Financial Accounting very carefully. So i can read the cheapt 1 very quickly and i found the mistake in my essay. In my essay, i used the sentance'' accounting is a language that provides information about the financial position of an organization.'' Actually, i just want give the definite to accounting but it is easy to find that sentance is not the correct explain to accounting. So i get the real definite to accounting'' Accounting is the process of indentifying,measuring and communicating financial information about an entity to permit informed judgement and decisions by users of the information.'' by Pauline Weethma

Thursday, August 21, 2008

self study

'' Two enery firms to rise price. Energy firm E.On and Scottish and Southern Energy are to rais gas and electricity prices bu up to 29%.'' This is the front news in BBC business news. I think it is a big news because the price of the gas and electricity is business with the daily life for people in UK. Although raised price just happaned in Scottish and Southern, it is also possibily to take same practise in England. If it happaned in London, it means the cost of life will be increase. It will a problem to our life, i should try to earn more money by myself. In fact the inflation is popular in each countries. I think it is not very well for raise price of gas and electricity.
Acturally,i looking for a job recentlly but it is difficult for me beacuse the boss always ask people can speak fluent english. I must improved my English as soon as possibile.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

self study

I read the grammer book in the afternoon. I just study the Non-finite verb by mself. There are 3 kinds of non-finite, -To do, -doing and -ed. And the non-finite used very widely in English. Beside the grammer, i also remember some new wards from dictionary.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

self study

I read the BBC news in website. UK inflation up to 4.4 percentage in july. This is the new record since juanny 1997. The high price of food is one of the reason to push up the inflation. Not just UK, inflation is very population in the globe widely. Nearly every country try to limited the effect from inflation. For example, the rate of dollars is keeping down. Although each countries try the best to reduce the effort, it is not obviously. Maybe it is the big problem to each governments should to facted.

Monday, August 11, 2008

self study

I have the new plan for my study in this week. I decided to remember more the new wards from the dictionary.As usual, i will record the new wards in my notebook frist and then read them, but now getting wards from dictionary can cost much time and the detail of wards should be perfectly in the dictionary. For example marks, more than one meaning and so on. So i finished the five pages in front of dictionary
And grammer, i was study the tense of the verb. There are 16 kinds for tense of verb. In total, it can divided into 3 parts pesent, past and future. these are the important point in English study. I just finished the 3 kinds in all.

Friday, August 8, 2008

seminar reflection

Had i done enough research and preparation for seminar? In fact, i just listen the lecture before discussion and most information i can not listen very clearly. So for this part, i think i should improvement need. There are four people in our group, we change the information and talk about the own's opinion.Of course,i also explain my opinion to others and linsten others' advise careful.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

just talk something to myself

Recently i feel not very well, i usually very lazy in everyday in this week. Just like the blogger, it is a long time to write anythings. I nearly can not fouces on language study,so the result obviously badly. Tuesday the first part of seminar, i just get E. Although i have not work hard in my free time, i still can not believe that i just get E. I can remember last month,my first month after arrived london, my report about the research also get D. At end of the month, i have the talk with my teacher-- Jim. He told me that it is very difficult to get A in here.In generally, most students should get B or C. But in fact, i just get D, i never get same result of exam like this in my own country. At last he answered me that 'Do not worry about that, it is just first month for you.In the last two months, you should work hard in your area of weakness and you can raise your levelp of english as usual rule'. But second month would passed, i still feel few improve in my english. I try to find the reason why i can not improve my english. In a ward, i have not finish my plan for study. Actural, i always the perfect plan to study. But i usual can not finish it in time.
Now the time is limited, i have the language course for last month. I must succeed. So i want to say:
come on !!! come on !!! come on!!! and hurry up to myself.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

self study

I finished the pronoun parts in my grammer book in the afternoon and have the more new wards form the dictionary.

Friday, August 1, 2008

self study

Today i just get a little about grammar. Just like i said in wednesday, there are eigth parts in pronoun. In the afternoon, i am going to read the last part--indefinite pronoun. writer try to explain the indefinite pronoun from special angle, he only explain how to use more wards. For example some, any, no, one, none, all, every, each, other and another, either and neither and so on. Although these all the base wards in English, it very useful and important. Because it always used in English, if i can control these wards very easiler. I think i can speak or write more better English.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

self study

Today i just read a lots grammer about pronoun. This part explain very carefully in the book. In total, the writer divided pronoun into eight parts. there are personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, reflexive pronoun, reciprocal pronoun, demonstrativee pronoun,interrogative pronoun, relative pronoun and indefinite pronoun. I finsihed one to seven parts all the afternoon, i think these are base and important knowledge in English grammer. Especially some uses for '' such , same. so''. I think there are very useful.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

self study

I joined to converation club in the afternoon. There are too many people told in the classroom to i nearly could not listen to others' opinion.

Monday, July 28, 2008

self study

Today is very hot. I nearly can not to study in the peace. I try my best to remember the wards in my notebook. The result is not bad, many new wards are easy to remember.

In addition to the new wards, i also read the book about grammer. There are lots of different among denfinite article, indefinite article and zero article. Acturally, there is little difficult in grammer because i still can not understand to some place in the book. Maybe i should read the book more carefully.

Friday, July 25, 2008

the first of all

this is my first time to use the blogger for study. But it is very intereting, i want to take it the successful try my best.